From Marrakech, drive East to Erfoud 2 days drive, stop for the night in or near Ouarzazate. From Fez, drive South to Erfoud 1 day.
From Erfoud, continue South 14 km 11 miles to Rissani, carry on through the village and follow the road Southeast for 40 km 24 miles to Merzouga. In recent years, the road to Merzouga has been asphalted and also to Taouz, a southern military border town foreigners cannot cross here. The short access roads 1 or 2 km long from the main road to the hotels alongside the sand dunes are normally not asphalted, but well maintained. There is now an asphalt road to Hassi Lybed, a smaller village about 4 km before Merzouga.
From Rissani to Merzouga, a grand taxi or van is 10/12dh. If you don't want to wait for other people to fill your grand taxi, pay 60dh. If you arrive before sunrise if you come in the 6=7am bus from Fez you can pay up to 100dh for a grand taxi.
Beware of guides in Rissani or Erfoud who offer to take you to Merzouga for 5 dihram each, but instead strand you at their auberge 20 km north of the village. If you decline their offers of camel rides and lodging, it is often quite difficult and expensive to make your way back to town.
You can also fly to Ouarzazate from Casablanca, then continue to Erfoud, Rissani and Merzouga.
There are also weekly flights into Errachadia, about 2 hours north of Merzouga by car.
Supra Tour buses from Marrakech and also from Fez have daily trips that stop in Merzouga village.
If you're continuing on to one of the small villages nearby, such as Hassi Labied, the usual tourist price is a fairly steep 50 dirhams total, not per person for the short 5 km drive. Beware that overnight busses may sometimes arrive more than an hour early, putting you in Merzouga before sunrise. If this happens, you may find yourself with no cabs available, so be prepared to wait for someone to arrive.
Tour operators can arrange 4x4s with driver/guides from Marrakech or Casablanca and back.